Who are we?
We are a Family of people following Jesus who are connected together by a common faith in Him, for His glory. We believe and firmly stand on the Word of God, that we are all sinners in need of God's mercy and that through the Holy Spirit and living out our faith, Jesus makes all the difference in our families, our church, our city and in the world.
Here at FBC, we aren't anywhere near perfect, but we know Jesus is! In knowing Him and being obedient to the principals we are Called to through God's Word, we are doing our best to be more like Jesus in our every day.
We would love for you to be a part of our journey together! We are located at 310 W. Taylor St. here in Kokomo, just a block north of the Rescue Mission. Parking is located on the west side of the church and along Taylor street. Join us on Sunday mornings at 10:10am for worship. Within this site you can find more information about different parts of our Family from Wednesday nights, different Ministries, etc., but our goal is pretty simple...it is all about Jesus.